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Cath Dovey, Co-Founder of the Beacon Collaborative, on what stops people from donating more

In this episode we look at what stops people from giving more philanthropically in the UK and what can be done about it.

The Beacon Collaborative exists to encourage more private assets to be used for public good. It is a focal point where philanthropists can come together, share ideas and learn from each other – and where organisations can collaborate to support them on their donor journeys.

We explore the barriers and opportunities in giving philanthropically; the intergenerational dynamics within families; the regulatory environment; the value of relationships between donors and charities and ways in which government can foster more philanthropy.

This episode looks at philanthropy from a UK context but will inform and inspire an international audience.

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About Cath Dovey

Cath Dovey is a co-founder of the Beacon Collaborative, a collective impact movement aimed at increasing giving and social investment among the UK’s wealthy population.

Beacon forges collaboration among organisations that work with wealthy donors through a range of activities covering peer influence, public awareness, research and measurement, professional advice and political engagement.

She was formerly a co-founder of Scorpio Partnership, the global wealth management strategy and research firm. She chairs Rosa, the UK fund for women and girls. She is a trustee of Philanthropy Impact and First Star UK. She is a member of the technical panel of the Law Family Commission on Civil Society and an advisory group member of The National Lottery Community Fund.

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