Chief Executive of the British Red Cross, Mike Adamson, on systems leadership and strategic partnerships.
Mike Adamson is Chief Executive of the British Red Cross, an organisation with 4,000 employees, 15,000 volunteers and an annual income in 2022 of £400M.
In this episode we explore the British Red Cross’ key focus areas, their roll in systems change and their approach to driving forward strategic partnerships.
We also explore the importance of fostering trust between diverse organisations and stakeholders so as to create strong, collaborative impact.
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About Mike Adamson
Mike Adamson is Chief Executive of the British Red Cross, the country’s leading voluntary crisis response organisation, and part of the worldwide Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Mike is responsible for all of the British Red Cross’ UK and International work. Prior to his current appointment in 2014, he held several other senior positions within BRC, including Managing Director of Operations. Mike has also worked as a Director of Commissioning in the NHS and spent five years as Managing Director for Services at another national charity. He began his career as an economist in management consultancy.
Mike is currently:
• Co-Chair of Voluntary & Community Sector Emergency Partnership
• Trustee of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)
• Member Foreign Secretary's Advisory Panel on human rights
In June 2021 Mike was awarded a CBE honour for services to the humanitarian sector and the Red Cross Movement.
He lives in Gloucestershire with his wife Lorna and two daughters Eleanor and Sophie. In his spare time he likes to run, cycle and read – he is also a founding member of his local film club.
Mike has an MPhil in economics from Oxford University and an MBA with distinction.