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Do One Better was launched in 2019 and is one of the most comprehensive collections of first-hand insights into philanthropy, sustainability and social entrepreneurship. Alberto Lidji's 300+ interviews with leading CEOs, former heads of state and government, policymakers and celebrities represent a unique contribution and an indispensable resource. Find out more...


The Do One Better Podcast

New episodes go live on Monday mornings UK time. You can listen to the Do One Better Podcast on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can click here for a full list of previous guests and below you will find some key highlights. 

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This Week's Guest

Shamina Singh, Founder and President of the Center for Inclusive Growth -- the social impact hub at Mastercard. We explore economic inclusion, the entrepreneurial spirit and much more. 



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Featured Interviews

Chiwetel Ejiofor 

Actor and philanthropist


Chiwetel Ejiofor delves into his philanthropic journey with the Geanco Foundation, led by Afam Onyema. He reflects on the transformative impact of his efforts in education and healthcare in Nigeria, particularly at the Brightland Academy.  More...

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David Lynch




David Lynch Foundation


David Lynch, filmmaker and creative genius, joins Alberto Lidji to talk about Transcendental Meditation (TM), consciousness, his foundation’s work and the ups and downs of his personal journey. >>> More...

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Siya Kolisi and Rachel Kolisi


The Kolisi Foundation


Siya Kolisi is the Captain of the Springboks, South Africa's national rugby team. Siya and Rachel share a touching and insightful philanthropy journey.


>>> More...

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Paul Polman




Paul is the former global CEO of Unilever and a leading voice driving forward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). "The moment life really starts is when you realise that it’s not about yourself".  >>> More...

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Julia Gillard


Global Partnership for Education


Julia Gillard is the first woman ever to serve as Australia’s Prime Minister. She joined the Global Partnership for Education as chair of the Board of Directors in 2014 after a distinguished public service career in Australia. >>> More...

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Ricardo Lagos

Former President of Chile


Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile, discusses Chile’s transition to democracy, his vocal stance against Augusto Pinochet, the climate crisis and the work of the Fundación Democracia y Desarrollo


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David Miliband

President and CEO

International Rescue Committee



David is was Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom. He leads efforts to support refugees and displaced persons internationally. He notes: "So don't fall for the disempowerment that says these problems are insoluble. That's the prophecy of doom. And if your listeners want to remember that there is an organisation out there that's about solutions rather than suffering then we're it.

>>> More...

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Bob Moritz

Global Chairman



Bob Moritz, Global Chairman of PwC, joins Alberto Lidji to discuss stakeholder capitalism, ESG (environmental, social, governance) and how the corporate world is embracing the sustainability agenda.  >>> More...

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Cherie Blair


Cherie Blair Foundation for Women


"This is the time I am determined when women's voices will be heard and women's contribution will be acknowledged." Cherie Blair joins Alberto Lidji to discuss closing the gender gap in entrepreneurship. >>> More...

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Afam Onyema

Co-Founder & CEO




Afam Onyema talks about transforming lives in Nigeria and sheds light on the David Oyelowo Leadership Scholarship -- David is just one of the many Hollywood celebrities who support Geanco in a meaningful way.   >>> More...

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Carmine Di Sibio

Global Chairman and CEO



Carmine Di Sibio, Global Chairman and CEO of EY, joins Alberto Lidji to discuss ESG, diversity & inclusion and how being a child immigrant to the US influenced his sense of belonging and world view. >>> More...


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Jo Swinson


Partners for a New Economy


Jo Swinson is the former Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the UK and joins Alberto Lidji to discuss transforming traditional economics to tackle the SDGs. Partners for a New Economy is a donor collaborative founded by the Oak, MAVA, Marisla, KR, Laudes and Ford foundations >>> More...

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Baroness Helene Hayman

UK House of Lords

Co-Chair, Peers for the Planet


Baroness Helene Hayman, Member of the UK House of Lords and Co-Chair of Peers for the Planet, and Senator Mary Coyle of the Senate of Canada, join Alberto Lidji to discuss climate and political action.  >>> More...

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Senator Mary Coyle

Senate of Canada


We look at international knowledge-sharing on climate action between the UK’s and Canada’s upper houses of parliament and hear how Senator Mary Coyle in Canada and Baroness Helene Hayman in the UK are collaborating and learning from each other in order to leverage their respective platforms to tackle the climate crisis. >>>More

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Keith Barr​

CEO of InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG),


An insightful conversation on how IHG is decarbonising one million hotel rooms in more than 100 countries and how they’re innovating to become more sustainable.


 >>> More...


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Comfort Ero

President and CEO, International Crisis Group


The International Crisis Group provides analysis and advice on how to prevent, resolve and better manage deadly conflict, combining field research, analysis and engagement with policymakers across the world in order to effect change in crisis situations.



Larry Kramer 

Incoming President and Vice Chancellor

The London School of Economics


Reflections from Larry's time as President of the Hewlett Foundation, lessons in philanthropy, and aspirations for the LSE.



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Our Podcast Guests

We bring you interviews with the Presidents, CEOs and leaders of outstanding organisations, including:

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Reekimlane Foundation Logo.png
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Mercer Logo.png
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B Lab Logo.jpg
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World Child Cancer Logo.jpg
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The Fore Logo.png
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Coram Logo.png
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HI Logo.png
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